The Brewery Arts Complex is located northeast of downtown, off the 5 Freeway at the Main Street exit. A functional brewery from 1897 through 1979, the Brewery Art Complex began its second life in 1982 when the city of Los Angeles passed the Artist-In-Residence law, a housing code that gave artists the right to rent live/work space in industrially zoned buildings.
Now, housed in the 18 acres of industrial buildings, is a uniquely vibrant and creative community. Roughly 500 artists live and work at The Brewery and for 30 years, they have opened their studios to the public for a biannual Artwalk. During the Fall artwalk in October, Eric Minh Swenson made a film about The Brewery that features some of the artists, including your EngAGE Blog Administrator, Cynthia Friedlob. Take a look and notice the number of older artists who are represented! [Email subscribers: click here.]
Credits: Film by Eric Minh Swenson. Produced by Kristine Schomaker. Music by Suzen Juel and the Gardner Chamber Orchestra.