Category Archives: Health
Word Wizardry Contest
From an article by Alison Biggar in Aging Today: “Every week, Merl Reagle creates crossword puzzles that are syndicated in 50 newspapers across the country. Known for his wit, facility with word patterns and for starring in the crossword puzzle … Continue reading
Helpful Websites Focus on Senior Health
Medicare’s main website offers a list of seven useful websites that provide information about not only Medicare eligibility and enrollment, coverage, rights and protections, health plan options, prescription drugs, and programs for people with lower income, but also such topics as chronic diseases that … Continue reading
Art Does More Than Heal
Cathy Malchiodi, PhD, LPAT, LPCC, is an art therapist who shares her thoughts about why humans are compelled to make art and why everyone should consider it as a wellness practice. “Will painting a picture cure what ails you in … Continue reading
Resolving Medical Disagreements
The Los Angeles Times has published an article by Lisa Zamosky that offers useful suggestions if you’re having trouble with with an incorrect medical bill or a possible incorrect diagnosis. Read the article here.
News from Casa Bonita
Below are pictures from one of Casa Bonita’s “Food Group” meetings. The group usually spends the first part of the time discussing healthy food topics, then ends with an artistic project. And doesn’t their finished torn paper work look great?! Contributed by Gloria Tinajero
Sun Care for Older Adults
Like to spend time outdoors? A post from The National Senior Conservation Corps (“Gray is Green”) lists six myths that are worth knowing about sun care for older adults! Click here to read more.
Are You Smarter?
Oprah Winfrey’s website shares an article by Annie Murphy Paul from O Magazine entitled “Ten Ways You Get Smarter as You Get Older.” Are you feeling smarter?