Not everyone will appreciate “Eyes as Big as Plates,” a wearable art show featuring seniors, that debuted in 2011 in Norway and recently surfaced in Brooklyn, NY. But, it helps to know the backstory: “Inspired by the romantics’ belief that folklore is the clearest reflection of the soul of a people, ‘Eyes as Big as Plates’ started out as a play on characters and protagonists from Norwegian folklore.” Take a look HERE and see what you think. Look HERE to see the process involved in creating the show in New York. It includes working with the City Hall Senior Center and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council‘s residency program ‘Seniors Partnering with Artists Citywide’ (SPARC), a collaboration among the New York City Department of Cultural affairs, the Department for the Aging and the city’s five local arts councils. This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the Department for the Aging.