Ten enthusiastic residents participated in the annual EngAGE Senior Olympics, which was such a great turn out because last year Hollywood had no attendees. Residents had so much fun that they are already making plans for next year’s Games!
At left, painting the community banner.
In the Aerobic Movement class, residents engage in gentle, but active aerobic movement to improve their strength, cardiovascular health, and general physical well-being. This month, Instructor Joella Gasparrolotito taught residents how to use rubber bands for better positioning and balance. The residents agree that, in addition to being an excellent exercise class, this class is fun!
In Yoga Class, Joella teaches movements that help improve balance, flexibility, strength, and relaxation. The class continues to be quite popular with the Hollywood Metro residents. Joella also encourages students to stay hydrated when practicing yoga.
Instructor Yvonne Ochoa encourages her students in Art Class to relax and paint freely.
In the Computer Basics Class, Instructor Andres Garcia teaches more than computer basics; he also works with students to enhance their English language skills. Recently, residents typed their own poems to recite to the class.
~ Sandra Vargas, Regional Programs Director
EngAGE offers a variety of classes, workshops, and special programs at each of our communities. These posts highlight just a small sample.