On November 18th, the Eisner Foundation held its annual Intergenerational Convening and Training. The purpose of the event was to inspire Eisner Foundation grantees and potential grantees by illustrating the benefits of intergenerational solutions, and sharing a rich variety of practical examples and tools. Tim Carpenter, Founder and Executive Director of EngAGE appeared on the panel along with Marie Brown-Mercadel, Regional Manager, San Diego County; Marianne Haver-Hill, Executive Director, MEND (Meet Each Need with Dignity); Tom Kamber, Executive Director, OATS (Older Adults Technology Services); and Carrie Ryan, Generations United 2009 Outstanding Youth Volunteer & current doctoral student; the moderator was Donna Butts, Executive Director, Generations United.
The panel was followed by breakout sessions with each of the panelists. Tim’s inspiring session focused on using the arts to connect generations, and on place-based strategies connecting unlikely facilities & people, such as the projects between the Burbank Senior Artists Colony and the Burbank Community Day School. (See our recent post about the community garden.)
EngAGE is grateful for the support of the Eisner Foundation for our “EngAGE Across Generations” programming.