Cascadian Terrace in Portland, OR, closed out the year with an unusual and creative six-week Duct Tape Art Class led by Teaching Artist Mona Superhero. Great fun!
Residents were enthusiastic about the Cascadian Terrace Iron Chef Competition led by Friendly House! Three brave residents signed on to be contestants, while several others volunteered for the job of tasting the food, and two were selected to be our “celebrity” judges, along with staff. Competitors were given baskets with somewhat obscure ingredients (quinoa, feta cheese, etc.), recipe suggestions, and basic rules for the game. Contestants took their baskets back to their apartments and began cooking. Residents brought their completed meals at the time of the competition and there was a discussion about the creativity of their recipes, the likelihood that they would make the recipes again, the health benefits of the foods used, and of course, how good their food was. The competition was too close to call, so everyone was declared a winner and left with prizes! Suggestions for next time included using even more challenging ingredients, and contestants preparing an appetizer, entrée, and dessert, much like on the show, “Chopped.”
~ Robin Hart, Director of Programming and Development