In 2016, EngAGE Founder and Executive Director Tim Carpenter was honored to be the recipient of a Stanton Fellowship from the Durfee Foundation.
When choosing recipients, the Durfee Foundation seeks “the most knowledgeable, inquisitive, and highly networked leaders – the ones who are best positioned to identify and make headway on a big question. . . . Peer learning is an important part of the Stanton Fellowship. Fellows meet regularly to share their work, learn from one another about their respective fields and projects, and discover more about LA from site visits to different neighborhoods and hearing from local experts. They come from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, and bring curiosity and engagement to a cross-disciplinary network.”
On February 9th and 10, Tim participated in what he described as “the Durfee LA joyous retreat – community, connection, and hope” in Oxnard, CA. Here are a few photos.