Age Friendly Portland: Building a Community for all Ages
ECONorthwest, Portland State College of Urban and Public Affairs
EngAGE, and AARP Oregon
would like to invite you to a special conversation and lunch with Bill Thomas, MD, at the Koin Center on Monday, May 1st.
Dr. Thomas, a world renowned geriatrician who’s coming to Portland for other events, has graciously agreed to share some of his thoughts on the development of Age Friendly Cities nationally, and how he sees Portland positioned to be a great leader in this movement. His synthesis of imagination and action led the Wall Street Journal to highlight Dr. Thomas as one of the nation’s “top 10 innovators” changing the future of retirement in America, and US News and World Report to name him as one of “America’s best leaders.”
Please consider joining us for this stimulating and unique opportunity. Attendance is limited. Click here for more information and reservations.
Also on May 1st, Dr. Thomas’ Tour features two distinct “non-fiction theater” events: the paradigm shifting, “Disrupt Dementia,” and Dr. Thomas’ signature show, “Aging: Life’s Most Dangerous Game,” both featuring original music, storytelling, poetry, and groundbreaking insights on aging and care. Please click on this link to attend these events