Last week, Long Beach Senior Arts Colony in Long Beach, CA, invited 5th – 8th grade students from the Maple Village Waldorf school to join our residents for a special intergenerational event. The afternoon began with interactive improvisational theater games, followed by an acting scene performed by our senior residents. The group then moved to the art studio where our young students created personalized leaves and inscribed what they were thankful for regarding their elders. At the end of the event, as we were cleaning up the art studio, one young student started to help clean the tables. We remarked that it was great that he was helping without being asked, and he smiled and said, “It’s called GRATITUDE.” The residents and students loved spending this creative time together and look forward to another intergenerational event in the near future!

Program Director: Helene Weinberg
Event Date: December 3, 2019
Made possible with support from: The Eisner Foundation.
The Long Beach Senior Arts Colony is a Meta Housing Corporation community.