New Community Partners
EngAGE welcomes two new Community Partners serving residents of these neighboring properties in Los Angeles, CA:

Black Women for Wellness
Provides free nutritious meals once a week for Buckingham and Metro Buckingham and also connects residents to recreational and civic involvement opportunities.

LA Green Grounds
Seasoned Master Gardeners and volunteers lead residents in the cultivation and maintenance of a shared community garden at the Buckingham and Metro Buckingham properties.
Creating Community in the Garden
Program Director Cathy Trout picks up plants and supplies for the garden from a locally owned nursery and the Master Gardeners also bring seeds. Cathy reports on the garden’s impact on residents:
“It has been truly beautiful to see the community that is building between both properties due to the Garden Club. WSH property management cleared all the garden beds and residents have been responsive to the opportunity to start fresh with a true community garden. Under the tutelage of the volunteer Master Gardeners from LA Green Grounds, they are learning about what seeds to plant vs. seedlings, and during which season, and when to water. They’ve planted a variety of lettuces and greens which will be harvested for the holidays, and they have started a butterfly garden.”