The EngAGE leadership team went on retreat in Portland, OR, last week to discuss strategic planning. Maria Rojo de Steffey, Regional Director, EngAGE Northwest; Nancy Goodhart, COO; Laura Mason, Executive Director, EngAGE Northern CA; and Tim Carpenter, CEO/Founder, enjoyed being together face-to-face for the first time post-pandemic.

EngAGE Northwest Regional Program Director Laura Spidell also joined in.

Front row: Maria Rojo de Steffey, Tim Carpenter
The team had a nice lunch meeting with our friend and colleague, Derenda Schubert, Executive Director of Bridge Meadows (below, at far right).

And they toured CDP/Hacienda’s new Rockwood Village community, where EngAGE is providing arts programs.

The leadership team looks forward to a productive, creative future for EngAGE!