At Piedmont Senior Apartments in North Hollywood, CA, resident Bertha is the driving force behind the annual Black History Month event, and this year our chosen topic was “The History of Soul Food.”

At the beginning of February, residents and Program Director Arnold Schmidt decorated the large community room with Black History Month posters, then planned and prepared the virtual celebration.

Several residents worked hard to create handcrafted cookbooks, which were then raffled off during the two hour Zoom event. We had over 30 attendees, and 10 lucky winners from various EngAGE locations won a copy of the handmade cookbooks.

During the virtual event attendees learned about the origins of soul food, how it came to America, how it changed over time, and what exactly is Soulfood.

The event ended with a lively discussion and we heard some truly amazing stories.

Overall it was another wonderful experience for all involved, and we received some great feedback in the following days, like this comment from Sally at BSAC:
“Hi Arnold. Thanks for the delightful program yesterday. The information and the laughs were priceless”. – Sally
Contest Winners:
BSAC – Sally, Barbara, Janet, Delores
Piedmont – Stephanie, Rena, Pearl
Bella Vita – Ernestine
NoHo SAC – Theresa, Dinah

And thanks to Piedmont Program Director Arnold Schmidt for the informative write-up, the wonderful photos, and for facilitating this excellent event that brought joy to so many residents at our communities!