Congratulations to Sylvia K. for her winning entry titled, “Delightful Darkness!”
Sylvia won a $200 gift card for herself as well as a $100 gift card for her community, The Piedmont Senior Apartments in North Hollywood, CA.

There’s an unusual twist to this story which we are pleased to share, thanks to Piedmont Program Director Arnold:
Sylvia was born 1936 and spent five years in the Jewish Children’s Home, an orphanage in New Orleans, LA, that cared for about 2,000 children. When she was five years old, a photographer chose her as a model, and that photo was then used on postcards which were sent to wealthy people, asking for donations for the very hungry orphans. This was in 1941, just after the Great Depression and during WW II when everything was very scarce. The orphanage raised a lot of money with the help of that postcard!

And here’s another twist:
About ten years ago, several EngAGE community residents, including Sylvia, participated in an EngAGE event in Pacific Palisades. They talked about their lives, including their backgrounds. Sylvia told the postcard story. At the end of the event, an audience member came up to her and said that she remembered Sylvia from that postcard, and that she had donated money to the orphanage at that time!
Congratulations to Magnolia@Highland for having the most entries!
Fourteen talented artists at the Magnolia@Highland Senior Apartments in San Bernardino, CA, entered our contest! The community will receive a $100 gift card which Program Director Alma is excited to use for a celebration! Entries are below.

Congratulations again to winner Sylvia K. and thanks to all of the talented artists who entered!
Click here to see an album
of all 46 contest entries!
Contest details: The winning art was selected by our leadership team: Tim Carpenter, CEO/Founder; Laura Mason, Executive Director, EngAGE Northern California; Nancy Goodhart, Chief Operations Officer; and Maria Rojo de Steffey, Executive Director, EngAGE Northwest. They were provided with images of all of the entries labeled only with numbers – no names of the artists or their communities were included.
EngAGE looks forward to sharing the winning image on greeting cards that will be used for promotion of our organization.