Thanks to EngAGE Program Director Megan for #MakingADifference and sharing this story.

One of our residents shared how impactful EngAGE COO Nancy Goodhart’s “Falls Prevention” class was for her. She had a cardiac episode and thought she was having a heart attack. She collapsed and passed out on her bathroom floor, and when she came to, she said that Nancy’s words helped her get help. She remembered to stay calm and collect her thoughts. She noticed a towel on the side of her tub. She realized that she could swing the towel and get the emergency string close enough so she could pull it. She was so thankful that EngAGE had Nancy come and teach that class. And, yes, she’s doing well now.

COO and Certified Falls Prevention Instructor Nancy Goodhart teaches her “Falls Prevention” class at The Huntington, one of the communities we serve in Northern California.