San Pedro Waterfront Arts District presents
Armchair ArtWalk Tour on FirstThursday, May 7th, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Join us On Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88148454107
Meeting ID: 881 4845 4107
In this time of the COVID-19 quarantine and social distancing, the San Pedro Waterfront Arts District has come up with an innovative way to visit with the artists of San Pedro on First Thursday, the date of the monthly ArtWalk. They’re calling it the Armchair ArtWalk Tour. Featured artists will be David Dory (Pac Arts resident), Chuck Klaus and Michael Stearns.
This is a free, one hour, online event sponsored by EngAGE through the Pacific Avenue Arts Colony (Pac Arts) in San Pedro, CA.

The mission of the San Pedro Waterfront Arts&Cultural District is to promote San Pedro’s authentic arts, culture and entertainment identity through advocacy, marketing and education activities.