To take our message about creative, positive aging to a wider audience, EngAGE produced “Experience Talks: A Radio Magazine for the Experienced Listener,” which aired weekly on 90.7 KPFK-FM Los Angeles and other Pacifica Network stations from 2003 – 2019. “Experience Talks ZoomCasts” were produced in 2020/21 and hosted by Tim Carpenter.
You’ll find “The Best of Experience Talks Radio Shows” archived on YouTube, including interviews with author/TV personality Dick Cavett, poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and actor/activist George Takei.
Our Zoomcasts are also archived on YouTube, including interviews with psychologist Derenda Schubert, journalist/former First Lady of California Maria Shriver, and Howard University professor Dr. Yolonda Wilson.
Our website provides links to both archives.