Thanks to EngAGE Program Director Henry for #MakingADifference and sharing this story. about the conclusion of our service at one community:
It was a bittersweet Painting Class session this August at El Verano; it was our final meet-up. The students wrapped-up their painting projects, having accomplished so much along the way. They discovered the joys of painting, the value of patience, and, most importantly, they developed self-confidence and learned to trust heir own creative talents and skills. The outcomes were fantastic for all of us. I encouraged the artists to keep it up and stay EngAGEd!
After class, I helped Chris get his painting shipped to his family. A few days later he left me a kind message thanking me for all my extra help with his paintings over the years and encouraging him to persist. He asked if we could remain in touch and be friends, to which I responded, “Yes, of course. We need to celebrate your B-day…Your Friend, Henry!”