“Worth Repeating” is a weekly feature on the EngAGE Blog that will bring you previous posts that we think are still timely, interesting, or just plain fun! From 9/11/11:
There have been many studies done across the world to try to find out why some people lead extremely long lives. The primary factors that contribute seem to be common sense: eat more plant-based foods, exercise, reduce stress. But some people have their own secrets:
A couple celebrating seventy years of marriage attributes their good health to a weekly glass of cabbage water!
The world’s oldest marathon runner (100 years old) relies on copious amounts of tea and ginger curry!
Besse Cooper, the world’s oldest person, turned 115 last month. Her secret? Minding her own business and avoiding junk food! [UPDATE: Besse Cooper celebrated her 116th birthday August 26, 2012! Read more here.]
Do you have any secrets you’d like to share? Please post in the comments!