Nine performers from the North Hollywood Senior Arts Colony in North Hollywood, CA, “brought the house down” with their hilarious improv skills at a recent performance. In front of a large audience, the performers showed everyone what they had learned in their eight week Improv Workshop with veteran teacher and improvisational performer, Raphael Margolin. Taking suggestions from the audience, the performers created a host of wacky characters and situations, right on the spot. Learning about improv involves many different games and exercises. An audience favorite involved creating a radio station, complete with music, ads, and announcements based on themes suggested by the audience. Improvisation is a fantastic exercise in “letting go” and tearing down those censors that stand in the way of creativity.
EngAGE embraces a whole-person approach to creative living, providing college-level programs in the arts, wellness, and lifelong learning.
Program Director: Mark Salyer
Class Date: November 1, 2018
Made possible with funding from the the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission, and the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles.
The North Hollywood Senior Arts Colony is a Meta Housing Corporation community.